Part 1: Change Ownership

Log into Make

If you have received a link to this tutorial, chances are you should have an email address and password received from me. Use these credentials at

Change your Email Address

1. Click on your username in the bottom of the left-side panel.

2. Click Profile.


3. Click Options dropdown menu in the top right corner.

4. Click Change email address.


5. Enter your new email address into the Email  field.

6. Enter your current password into the Password  field.

7. Confirm the change by clicking on the Save  button.


Change your Password

1. Click Options dropdown menu in the top right corner.

2. Click Change password.

3. Enter your current password into the Current Password field.

4. Enter your new password into the two New Password fields.

5. Confirm the change by clicking on the Save button.

Part 2: Upgrade to a Paid Plan

1. Go to Dashboard > Subscription.


2. A purple border and highlight mark your current plan.

If you received a direct link to this page, look in our email for a recommendation on which plan to purchase.

3. Click the arrow to open a drop-down menu with different operation tiers. Choose the number of operations in your new plan.


4. Click Upgrade on your chosen plan and tier.


5. Click Proceed to payment on the checkout page.


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